Everyone has nicknames, even those who vehemently oppose them. I've had several over time, including the standard abbreviation (Manda,) the creative --and now one of my internet handles of choice -- (mandoir,) and the aughts-age trendy (ACrow.)
The only name I've ever rejected was "Mandy." Only two people have ever called me this, and both have done it at least a little ironically. My high school dance teacher, seemingly in an effort to construct the barfiest name possible, named me "Mandy Cane." This crossed over the "offensively annoying" line into "campy and hilarious," and I allowed it. The second person is my dad. I do this thing where I make what I call the "snuggly bunny face" (there are a few different variations of this, but they all involve cutesy hands and a shit-eating grin) and I say "Daaaddy" in a cutesy voice, and then he makes snuggly bunny face back and goes "Maaaandy" in the same cutesy voice. This is one of those things that is either not funny unless you're us, or funny because you know us and it's ridiculous.
What are some of your favorite and most despised nicknames?
The only name I've ever rejected was "Mandy." Only two people have ever called me this, and both have done it at least a little ironically. My high school dance teacher, seemingly in an effort to construct the barfiest name possible, named me "Mandy Cane." This crossed over the "offensively annoying" line into "campy and hilarious," and I allowed it. The second person is my dad. I do this thing where I make what I call the "snuggly bunny face" (there are a few different variations of this, but they all involve cutesy hands and a shit-eating grin) and I say "Daaaddy" in a cutesy voice, and then he makes snuggly bunny face back and goes "Maaaandy" in the same cutesy voice. This is one of those things that is either not funny unless you're us, or funny because you know us and it's ridiculous.
What are some of your favorite and most despised nicknames?